Myrtle Grove Middle School's Athletic Booster Club, a new addition this year, is dedicated to creating an environment that motivates athletes, students, coaches, parents, and the community. We believe in collaboration and aim to foster a positive atmosphere for MGMS's athletic programs. By promoting sportsmanship, personal responsibility, teamwork, community involvement, fundraising, and mentoring, we can help instill strong moral character and academic excellence in our student-athletes.
Furthermore, we are committed to partnering with administration, teachers, staff, parents, coaches, and student-athletes to identify areas of need within the athletic department. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of all students involved in athletic programs. We hope to contribute to the continuous development and support of MGMS's athletic program. We enhance MGMS's athletic programs by providing financial support through our parent volunteers, members, sponsors, fundraising, and donations. Fundraising efforts will be directed at financially supporting facility maintenance, equipment, capital improvements, and other items not covered by MGMS funds that will enhance and expand the athletic programs.
Sign up to become a Booster Club Member!